Transformative Soma Workshop Collaboration. If you would like to transform an aspect of your life, feeling stuck, wishing to experience yourself in a new way, uncovering and developing your potential, relief from grief and unforgiveness, searching for new vision in life; this is the plant medicine experience for you.
The workshop consists of Three Parts:
1) Part One: Introduction / Initial session +- 60min - Assessment
The introduction session is an assessment to determine whether the individual qualifies / is ready for a session of this nature. Should there be disqualifying factors there will be no charge for the introduction session.
Assess individual needs
Discuss preparation requirements
Setting dates for Part Two
2) Part Two: Soma Medicine Workshop retreat
Arrival +- Sunset
Various plant medicines will be introduced during the workshop depending on individual needs as per Part One's assessment.
Light meal served after medicine work.
Breakfast and debrief
Workshop concludes between 10:00 and 11:00.
3) Part Three: Integration & Support
+- 1 1/2 to 2 weeks after the Soma Medicine Workshop an online session is conducted.
The session covers integration, progress, insights, resolving obstacles and next steps.
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